Already early in her carrier Ann-Charlotte specialised in IP law, marketing practices and competition law as an associate to Örjan Grundén, one of the founding partners of GOZZO Advokater. Ann-Charlotte Söderlund advises and represents both national and multinational companies in all areas of IPR (both contentious and non-contentious) in particular with the focus on the enforcement and litigation of IPR rights where Ann-Charlotte now since many years has an established reputation and renown. Ann-Charlotte is also known for handling issues related to marketing practices where she not only litigates such cases but also advises on marketing campaigns and other marketing activities. Ann-Charlotte’s clients are from a wide range of business such as for example vehicle industry, clothing industry, telecom, furniture industry, pharmaceutical industry, entertainment industry and sporting industries and which are owners of world famous brands and other famous IP rights. Ann-Charlotte has thereto been responsible for the handling, enforcement and safeguarding of a major Swedish clothing company’s trademarks world-wide for almost 20 years where she was responsible for that company’s enforcements strategies and in the pro-active work for the prevention of infringements and counterfeit products. Ann-Charlotte has also on several occasions acted on behalf of sponsors, sponsoring companies and sports federations in relation to major events of international elite character in Sweden, where she in particular advised on anti-ambush strategies and the safeguarding of the organisers’ and sponsor’s investments and IP rights during the course of those events.

Ann-Charlotte Söderlund Björk
Partner | Advokat
+46 31 19 14 10
+46 709 11 79 11
- University of Gothenburg and Lund (juris kandidat, LL.M. 1992)
- University of Surrey 1987
- Collége d´Europe, Spinelli Promotion, 1987 – 1988
- More than 30 years background with IPR-law (contentious and non-contentious) and Marketing Practices Law as legal counsel (Advokat) including advising and assisting in international IPR matters on behalf of international clients
- Founder of The Swedish Anti-Counterfeiting Group and Chairman thereof 1996 – 2015, which includes rendering opinions to proposed legislations within counterfeiting and piracy IPR issues as well as education of customs officers in the enforcement of the Council Regulation on the detention of suspect counterfeit and pirated goods
- Honorary member of the board of the Swedish Anti-Counterfeiting Group since 2017
- Co-founder of the Global Anti-Counterfeiting Group and Vice Honorary Chair since 2015
- Appointed Sweden’s expert in European Commission-financed Expert Group on IPR Enforcement (Best Practice Group) and rapporteur in one of the working committees;
- Appointed expert in the European Observatory on Infringements in IPR (formerly European Commission’s Observatory on Counterfeiting and Piracy) and member of the Legal Expert Group within the Observatory
- Appointed expert in the European Commission IPEurope Aware Project in the field of Enforcement of IPR
- Member of the External Advisory Board of the Swedish Patent and Trademark Office, appointed by the Ministry of Trade 2012 – 2022
- Member of the Reference Group to the Swedish Ministry of Justice re proposed changes of the Trademark Regulation and Directive in the EU as chair in SACG
- Member of ECTA’s Anti-Counterfeiting Committee
- Member of AIPPI and Co-chair in Q223 of AIPPI (Counterfeiting and Piracy) and representing AIPPI in the Observatory
- On some occasions appointed expert on behalf of The Swedish Bar Association in legislative work concerning possible changes within the patent litigation system in Sweden, the circumvention of security features in software as well as other proposed legislative changes in Sweden for the implementation of various Community IP legislation.
- Speaker at various conferences re IPR as well as guest lecturer at the Universities of Stockholm and Lund and Chalmers Technical University in Gothenburg
- Chair Västsvenska Immaterialrättsklubben – VIRK (West Sweden IP Association)
- Chambers&Partners
- Recommended in IAM 250 The World’s Leading Patent & Technology Licensing Lawyers
- Endorsed, Intellectual property, PLC Which Lawyer
- Recommended within Intellectual Property & Media Legal 500
- Individually ranked in band 1 in WTR 1000 – the definitive guide to trademark legal services for trademark and anti-counterfeiting work.
- Recognized as IPStar by Managing Intellectual Property MIP 2014 and elected among the 250 IPStar women throughout the word
- Listed in “the 2015 Guide to the World’s Leading Women in Business Law”
- Member of the Swedish Bar Association since: 1998
- Member of AIPPI
- Member of SFIR
- Swedish
- English
- French
- Italian